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D.P. Rosano

D.P. Rosano

Author D.P. Rosano


D.P. Rosano has traveled to all corners of the earth, balancing the odd duality of counter-terrorism expert and glove-trotting wine writer. Through this double life, D.P. has had access to international politicians and military leaders, while rubbing elbows with celebrity chefs and international winemakers.

From this experience, D.P. infuses his novels with the gritty suspense of crime and the urbane pleasures of sipping the finest wines in the world. The books display a keen sensitivity to the history and cultural idiosyncrasies of various nations, and a respect and delight in the culinary treasures of these same countries.


A Love Lost in Positano

To Rome, With Love

Vivaldi’s Girls

B. Roman

B. Roman

Dick Rosano

Dick Rosano