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Craig Gaydas

Craig Gaydas

Author Craig Gaydas


Craig Gaydas was hatched in a laboratory in New Jersey many centuries ago. His creativity gene was planted successfully at the ripe old age of ten when he began his journey throughout the realms of Dungeons and Dragons, creating fantastical worlds of gods and dragons as a Dungeon Master.

Throughout his teenage years he had amassed a small personal fortune consisting of Garbage Pail Kids trading cards, Star Wars action figures and comic book collection. Most of his adult life was spent toiling away in a cubicle, smashing his face on a keyboard and typing TPS reports within the industrial supply chain field.

Only five short years ago did he begin his writing career, first with Walking Dead fan fiction stories which eventually transitioned into his first book released in 2013, The Guardian Chronicles, which went on to win Honorable Mention at the 2014 Readers Views Reviewers Choice Awards.  Not long after the release, the supernatural thriller Vendetta was released.

Craig’s interest in Star Wars eventually led to the release of the Cartographer series, starting with the first book of the same name and followed up with Reborn and Timeless.  Less than a year after the final book of the series was released, the action/adventure novel The Last Hero emerged, combining comic book action with real world character development.

Craig spends a majority of his time as a buyer/planner for a fortune 500 company, sitting in a cubicle collating and making sure no one steals his brand new red Swingline stapler. With the hectic business demands of such a large company his time writing has been limited but he has been working on a new post-apocalyptic fantasy novel titled The Dance of The Magi, which is expected to be released by the end of 2016.
Craig has two children and currently resides in sunny north Florida, land of the beach, bikini and alligator. Most of the time you will find him either toiling away in his office or his home behind a keyboard, but occasionally he scurries from the dark to absorb some sun before his skin becomes completely translucent.

Interviews & media

​Lisa Haselton's blog



The Last Hero

The Guardian Chronicles

The Cartographer Series

The Cartographer

The Cartographer 2: Reborn

The Cartographer 3: Timeless

Collections & Box Sets

The Cartographer Collection - The Complete Series

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Eve Gaal

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