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Joy Johnson

Joy Johnson

Author Joy Johnson


Joy Johnson grew up in a small apartment with her family near the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia. She was homeschooled and spent much of her time in the library, were she developed a profound love for stories like, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Sword of Truth series, and Where the Red Fern Grows. She loved riding horses, biking, and soon began dreaming up stories of her own. When her father introduced her to, Star Trek and Voyager, she became an instant fan of science fiction, and her writing soon began to embrace the genre. In her youth, however, both her mother and sister became mentally ill; this has caused her to have great empathy for those who struggle with mental illness. As an adult, Joy Johnson chose to join the United States Marine Corps after 9/11. She has since been honorably discharged, married, and has had two children. Her son has a rare genetic disorder called, Treacher Collins Syndrome. This has had a profound impact upon her heart as a mother and writer. It has encouraged her to create characters who are beautifully flawed; characters who can be more than just the mask that they wear before the crowd. Mrs. Johnson now lives in the heart of the mountains of West Virginia where her imagination can run wonderfully wild, with a hot cup of coffee in hand.


The Death Dealer Diaries

Patrick Hodges

Patrick Hodges

Amanda Kaitlyn

Amanda Kaitlyn