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Linda A. Meredith

Linda A. Meredith

Author Linda A. Meredith


Linda Meredith was born in Ashton-Under-Lyne Lancashire, in the North West of England, however, she lived in Stalybridge Cheshire, until the age of nineteen, when she married a Royal Air Force serviceman, and moved to Finningley near Doncaster.

She has lived in several different places since then, both in the U.K. and abroad, and has had many different jobs ranging from shop work, bank clerk and customer services manager – as well as being a mum.

She now lives in the tiny, picturesque county of Rutland, where she has resided for the past 34 years. She lives with her husband Iain, two dogs and one rabbit. A Staffy cross called Louie and a full Staffy named Tia. The rabbit, known as Yabbit took up residence a few years ago.

She and her husband have two sons, Terry and Christopher, who played a large part of this book. They both flew the nest many years ago, so her current babies have four legs and fur!

Linda has always enjoyed reading and writing. She began by reading stories to her boys, then graduated to writing and reciting poetry to anyone who’d listen!

Finally, after her beloved Jake passed away, she attempted to write his story, but for many years, found it too painful to recall. 

After being inspired by reading Sasha and Sheba- from hell to happiness by the wonderful Brian L. Porter, about his love for the dogs he rescues, she decided (with a lot of encouragement from Brian) it was finally time to put Jake’s story down on paper. 

Fully Staffed is the result – an emotional, moving and sometimes funny story, about the love and devotion for the irreplaceable, crazy dynamic duo – Jake and Spike.


Canine Chronicles

Fully Staffed

Liberating Louie

Jack D. McLean

Jack D. McLean

Joseph Mulak

Joseph Mulak