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A Millionaire's Christmas

A Millionaire's Christmas

Book excerpt

A Christmas story with a difference, 'A Millionaire's Christmas' is set on a snowy Christmas Eve. Aristedes Miklos lies in his hospital bed, dying from an inoperable brain tumor. His mind takes him back to his youth and his life plays out before him in a string of mental cameos. 

Suddenly the door to his hospital room opens and a strange doctor enters. When the doctor speaks to him, Aristedes is at first confused, then comforted by his words. Soon they are joined by a young boy who, the doctor informs Aristedes, is dying like him. Before he can find out more, the doctor and the boy are gone, and Aristedes is left with nothing but their memory. 

When everyone at the hospital later denies the existence of the strange doctor, Aristedes little realizes that he has been cast to play a very special role in the life of young Christos. For one dying man and a very sick young boy, the miracle of Christmas is about to unfold.

A Merry Mersey Christmas - Brian L. Porter

After Armageddon

After Armageddon