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The Oncoming Storm

The Oncoming Storm

Book excerpt

In Vengeance of Shadows, Ellie escaped Isabelle but received a dire warning about the Institute. Now returning home with more questions than answers, Ellie will discover her value not only to this new threat but to a magical device created by the dragons and hidden by Isabelle. 

With the net closing in, Ellie is not the only one the Institute have their sights on. Rox and her entire family have been discovered, and their secret revealed. Rox must not only confront this new enemy, but attempt to find her only human friend Ellie in the turmoil, and fight back. 

But the Institute have resources and power beyond reckoning. They will sweep aside all who oppose and try to stop them. Their ferocity will bring about a storm like no other. Ellie will try and run from the storm and encounter mysteries, foes and allies but in the end, Ellie will have nowhere to hide from The Oncoming Storm.

Vengeance of Shadows

Vengeance of Shadows

Ghastly Gob Gissimer

Ghastly Gob Gissimer