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Sam Cairns

Sam Cairns

Author biography

I was never brilliant at English, or anything to do with having to switch the brain on when at school many years ago.  But then the writing bug hit later in life when working as a miner I had an accident down the pit.  

Off work for a while, I soon got bored, so picked up a pen and wrote a story about some bloke who gets hurt down the pit.  (Well, they say write about what you know) 

After a while I decided to send some stuff out there.  I cringe when I think about some of it as it was way off the mark regarding content and presentation.  Eventually I dumped the old style typewriter that made my fingers bleed when I banged down on certain keys.  Then with the help of a fancier pen and paper and a computer, I wrote and wrote.   I wasn’t good enough to be an overnight success, so over the years I picked up a few rejections, but also some minor successes.  (You’ll have to excuse the pun as one of my successes included a book of poetry about mining)

I have wrote, directed and co produced a few no/low budget films, one of which won a regional award.  Another one was shown at a city theatre and on television.  At one point, after having a sketch aired on television, (And getting paid for it!) I was actually asked to work for Jeremy Beadle…by the man himself.  Wow!  Talk about being on cloud nine.  Then the programme got pulled.  So I banged my head against a brick wall again for a few days, then moved forever onwards.  

I am one of life’s dreamers (Which I think is a good thing for a writer) and I truly think that sometimes you can make dreams come true. 

I love writing for children and about mining.  (Total opposite sides of the spectrum I know, but dreams and a  good imagination can help switch the mindset towards whatever subject is desired)

All I really want is to see people enjoy my work.  (But enough money to be able to write full time would be nice as well)



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